Just got back from a wonderful vacation in Orange Beach with my husband Woody, daughter Fallon and son Sammy.  Loved everything about it, but next year we might deviate as we have been taking this same vacation for many years now.  I think one of the reasons we go on vacation, is to get away, so that we can come home and appreciate what is right in front of us, which happened in spades this year.  Now I think we have to do the same thing with the beach, stay away for at least a year, so that we can come back to it later to fall in love with it all over again:)

I love these ladies, and I have two more stamps coming in the same line because they are just so much fun. This is an "Art Impressions" unmounted stamp, labeled, "Girlfriends."  I used a Close to My Heart black stamp pad to stamp the image, but at the time I couldn't find my big stamp and so I had to manage on a smaller one, which is why the black spot is on the card.  I really think that it doesn't detract though. (Of course I found the big block about an hour later:) The girls were colored with copics sketchers.  Here is a quick tip to people just getting used to them from another newbie:)  Don't take your cap off over your picture because although when you color, they are smooth and wonderful, they are very juicy and they will tend to leave errant marks, like the orange one you see at the bottom of the picture.  After the initial base and shadow copics are done, The ladies, their accessories, and their chairs are hightlighted with Copic Atyou Spicas for a finished look.  Last but not least, to finish their attire off, the lady in the gold suit has polka dolts applied to her swimwear via green lime Stickles.  I'll have to remember who the hello stamp is from, but the gold dots underneath are Bo Bunny.

The picture is centered diagonally and cut at the corners because I love giving it that unexpected, interesting edge.  The bright green backing and peach sheen background with matching peach bow finished it up nicely for me:)  This was so much fun, making each lady come to life and then helping them find a home on my card.  What I hope for is that the person receiving this card, gets a spirit boost from the good time these ladies seem to be having:) 

Enjoy your summer, it's going to be a great one!

(Below)Sketch Challenge #123 - You can find it here:  http://www.owhstarsandstamps.org/

I love the weekly throwdown challenges from OWH and this one is no exception.  I actually did two cards, one that is simply a "Hello" card and another that is a playful sort of vacationy card because 'tis the season for all good families to hit the beaches and soldiers at home can let their families know that they are there, with them in spirit:)
Stamp: Penny Black "Out and About" Paper: Close to My Heart "Dotty For You" Buttons: Martha Stewart Button Punch
Stamp: Stampabilities "Bunny Cruise" Paper: Close to My Heart "Dotty for You"
Okay, here is my blog...When I first started this, I didn't realize I had a duh moment, not realizing I had to add it to what I was already creating...So if there was any confusing, please to forgive:) Any way here goes:

OWH Fourth of July Card Challenge:)


    I am so fortunate to have a wonderful family and supportive friends.  The journey has only just begun and I'm enjoying every step of the way.


    June 2012
    May 2012

