You know people call it politics when you express your feelings about a candidate.  It's not politics for me.  It's the fact that this last four years I have seen my country sliding into a hotbed of nastiness, the likes of which Sodom and Gomorra have not seen. And it starts at the top with the person who is supposed to be our president.

This is a man who makes apologies for our country, and the people who want him to continue as president, make excuses for him.  They present him as a victim of the times, yet want him to champion us as a people. You are either a victim or a warrior, by the very definition of these words, you can not be both.  He does not work well with congress and the house, has walked out like a petulant child on several occasions.  He reminds me of a teacher who goes into the classroom without the tools needed to teach children with any real efficacy.  The children become chaotic and the ones who do not wish order restored in the classroom, those who wish the chaos to continue, fight very hard for this teacher to remain.  Others who came to learn are treated with anger and resentment,  not because of who they are, but because they threaten the landscape because of their dream of an environment conducive to learning. 

However, the right leader, comes into that classroom, takes charge and soon, those that favored chaos learn better and most come to realize that knowledge is power and that this is the teacher who has been looking out for their best interest all along. 

So goes it here.  I voted for Obama in 2008.  He had that "Eye of the Tiger," kind of thing going.  I had that, "new broom sweeps clean," moment.  My choice was not based on the color of skin, but because I felt he had the right attitude on how things should be done.  I was optimistic and ready for a change.

But then he took office.  His tone became less and less presidential and the way that he did business was outright disastrous.  Instead of bringing the two sides together, he stormed out like a little boy who doesn't get his own way.  He started using Presidential authority to make his own rules and circumvent We The People, as well as the document that guides us, our very own constitution.  The worst part is, he didn't think anything he did out to its conclusion and when these rules became reality our country did not grow, it did not prosper, in fact, life got a lot tougher for citizens that worked hard just to make ends meet.

His solution then was to raise taxes on the rich, which would in fact, kill jobs.  Let's look at this realistically.  My 15% to pay in taxes is going to be significantly less that the wealthy persons 15%.  I never understood making people that made more money pay extra taxes.  That means when they hire me for a job, they have less money to pay me.  Does that make sense to anyone. It is true that you cannot tax a country into prosperity. It pretty much works the other way around. 

I read an interview with him once where a reporter said something along the lines of "Mr. President what is wrong with someone working hard and benefiting from that by making the amount of money commensurate to the task they are doing?  To which Barrack Obama looked him in the eye and said, "Nothing, but at some point you've made enough money."  At that moment in time, I can't place my finger on it, but I knew something was wrong. Top that off with the fact that he is exempt from the policies he employs and if you were interviewing someone for president, it would scream, "NEXT!!!"

How can anyone support a man who sneaks extra taxes into a healthcare plan and then says if you don't pay for healthcare insurance he's going to punish you by fining you?  The majority of healthcare workers, including doctors and nurses say this plan will seriously kill the quality of healthcare in this country until it is repealed.  Doctors who have not planned to retire early are now planning to do so, and med students are getting out of the business all together because they know where this is headed.  This means if you are on a list for a serious operation, you are going to be waiting and possibly dead before you ever get to the operating table.  When the kids in the Pro-Obama ad sing that if you vote for Romney "sick people just die," I have to wonder if the producers of this commercial have really thought this through.  But why should they? After all their president hasn't been a very good role model at doing that.

I have never in my life seen a president work less, blame it on congress, and then just enjoy playing golf, vacationing and doing talk shows on the taxpayers dime, especially after he has just doubled the debt in our country.  And this was before he started campaigning. It is beneath the station of the President of the United States of America to appear on talk shows. Period. He should be in the Oval office running the country. He didn't sign up to live the life of leisure, he signed up to lead our country.  He's doing so now not because of Hurricane Sandy, but because the election is days away and he knows he will most certainly lose if he does not act like a president. 

It would have been nice had he endeavored to give Benghazi the same treatment.  The four families are angered, the navy seals are angered, heck our whole military is in an uproar, but still no answers about why the cries for help were left unanswered.  He says that he told them he informed everyone to do what they had to secure the perimeter, but the fact is that had he said that it would be done.  Bottom line. End of story. Unless you are a president who has not earned the respect of the very people he leads.  And shouldn't that say it all?  Why it doesn't in some people's minds is beyond me.

There are many, many commercials out right now in favor of Barrack Obama that are vulgar and disturbing.  There is one in which children sing to their parents blaming them for killing the polar bears, among other things.  A small child looks straight into the camera and says, "Mom and Dad, we're blaming you."  There is another one where people in a senior citizens home threaten violence on Americans who vote for Romney, saying that if we vote for him they will burn this mother bleeper down, (she says the actual vulgar word; it also threatens physical violence by saying they will punch Mr. Romney in his private spot, and when they die, they will watch those who voted for Romney have sex.  Another ad is a narration of a children's story by Samuel L  Jackson entitled, "Wake the f%*&" Up."  The title speaks for itself. Children in the story and Vulgarity in the title.  The children who are for chaos in the classroom have spoken.

People tell me that those commercials were neither made or endorsed by Obama.  But tell me, if he didn't approve of them, do you honestly think they would be there? If the President of the United States can not  and will not pull vulgar ads that threaten violence against other human beings, how much do you think he really cares about what happens to us? 

And what's up with telling Putin's rep that he will have more flexibility after the election?  Do you really want to find out what that means? I don't.  And the idea that Obama gave so much money to the Islam brotherhood who are now using the money to rebuild Al-Qaeda .  Anyone who says this isn't happening, just hasn't been paying attention.  There are people in this country who now have fatwa's against them (death sentences) against them, because they asked for asylum to this country for trying to fight against cruel policies.  A vote for Obama is a vote in favor of their death, because I can promise you Obama will do nothing about it, just like he did nothing in Benghazi when for three months Ambassador Stevens begged for security, or like when he did nothing when the navy seals begged for help during the "TERRORIST" attack.  And he did not call it a terrorist attack in the Rose Garden, He called attacks like the one in 2001 attacks of terror that would not be tolerated.  He lied at the debate and then supporters perpetuated the lie.  It is self evident. 

You know the look you saw Romney give Obama in the debate when Obama said he called Benghazi a terrorist attack in the Rose Garden? That was the look of a man who could not believe that such a dishonest, disreputable man was running our country. I think until that point, Romney did not realize what Obama actually was. That's why he didn't follow up right then and there.  When you recognize evil as it stares right in your face and lies to you, it shakes you to your very foundation.  It takes a minute to shake that feeling off. I remember feeling it when  David Duke tried to shake my hand (he did not succeed)  at a parade, years back.  It was  feeling of pure, raw, unadulterated evil that  I will never forget. You aren't making a judgment, you are just looking at the person,  I guess the expression and the way they hold them self  and the way that they look at you and it just happens, very suddenly and very abruptly, you just know.  And I know Mr. Romney is used to politics, but this, this is a horse of a whole different color.  Which leads me to say, that this should teach you that color never matters, because evil does not choose what color it wants to be, it is not a matter of the skin, but of the heart.

Let's back to the lie. You don't call something an attack of terror and then for two weeks say it was a spontaneous protest over some stupid film.   And if you really believe it is an act of terror, you don't make a 70 thousand dollar film using tax payers money to apologize to the people that KILLED our four in Benghazi. And you don't fly off to Vegas right after if you really want the American people to believe you thought it was a terrorist attack!!!  Where does it end..REALLY, where does it end?

But it doesn't, does it...The poor man who was using his right as a citizen in this country to create the drivel of his choosing, is now in prison on some trumped up parole charge.  This does not appease anyone in the middle east(which he wasn't really doing, because he knew there was never any protest, but he had to follow through with the cover up), it ticks off the American People.  Because, it could have been any one of us arrested for any reason to get the president out of hot water. To save his own butt, he threw the producer of that film under the bus.  I saw the film guys..It was hokey and stupid, but you know what a few months ago, George Takei posted a picture of Jesus with vulgar writing on it and refused to take it down, but I didn't see Obama throwing him in jail.  Not trying to saying anything about Mr. Takei at this point, just making the point that freedom of expression is not a privilege, it is a right given to us by the constitution. In order to circumvent that right, Obama trumped up some charges and threw the man in jail.  And to make it look good, it is now said there is a fatwa against the man.  It's a circus and President Barrack Hussein Obama stands in the center ring in his red ringleader getup, stained not by dye but by the dying of Americans for the sole reason of keeping him in the center ring.

The last thing I want to say is that people who wish Obama back in office read this and say, You've been watching too much Fox News and listening to too many conservatives. But the truth is I have been hugging too many people who have just lost everything they own and  watched my health insurance rise already because of Obama care. In my own community, people are suffering.  I've seen David Letterman and Jay Leno ask the soft questions, and watched a misguided  Whoopi Goldberg talk  to Ann Romney about how Mormons don't go to war because of their beliefs,  trying to attack Mitt Romney, when indeed thousands and thousands of our service people are Mormon. I've seen the moderator of the second presidential debate deliberately aid Obama in his lie about the speech in the Rose Garden.  I've even seen David Lettermen say how appalled he was that (of course when the president was not on the show) Barrack Obama lied about Mitt Romney's thoughts on the auto bailout.  Did he ask the hard questions to the president?  The answer is no. The question is, "Why?" It's like watching that series V when the aliens were here to steal all the resources and eat us (apparently we are very tasty to fictional aliens) but the media kept talking about how wonderful the aliens were and how they were our friends and were going to give us the cure for cancer.  That show must have been written by the same people writing Obama's scripts....

So my question is, how can people that know all this still vote for this person who very clearly does not have our best interests at heart?  I sincerely don't understand why it is such a tight race.  If Obama wins there will be inadequate healthcare, taxes will rise, the job outcome will continue to slide on a downward slope and people will continue to fight because there is no one in charge that knows how bring us all together.  The money given to the Islam brothers will be used to strengthen groups like Al-Qaeda and more events like 9/11 2001 and 2012 will occur and more American people will die.

For the first time in my life, I am really frightened.  A teacher who has problems leading in the classroom is a serious situation because his or her students touch many lives, but a president who can not lead touches everyone's lives and not in a positive way. 

If Obama wins:

We are not that stupid, but if the people that are voting for you tie our hands so that the same thing that happened in Benghazi happens to us, (only problem is, they don't realize that to you, Mr. Obama, they are expendable too, shhhh, it's a presidential secret) we will be a country in ruins.  And by the time they realize it, it will be too late. And all of your friends around the globe will be so envious that you were able to take over this country and beat its citizens into submission and  It took so little effort on your part to do so. Just a bite from the apple from each supporter did the trick....Kicking them to the curb will be even easier. We'll be sure to tell them hello when they get here......

If Obama loses:

It will be by the grace of God and by a country whose spirit could not be defeated.

One Nation under God,

Indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

This is the outcome every good man and woman hope for. Amen.


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    I am so fortunate to have a wonderful family and supportive friends.  The journey has only just begun and I'm enjoying every step of the way.


    June 2012
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